Why Lysine may be your lips’ best friend

Knowing how to help keep the skin around your lips happy and healthy starts with understanding your skin’s biology.

It’s important to know that your dermis (the middle layer of your skin) is made up of three core components, two of which are proteins. Those proteins are elastin, which helps keep your skin supple and stretchy; and collagen, which supports your skin’s strength and structure.

Your body is constantly manufacturing its collagen. To create that collagen, your body uses two essential ingredients (“essential” meaning that your body can’t create them, so you need to get them through your diet.)

The first ingredient is Vitamin C, and the other is the essential amino acid Lysine. Most people know that Vitamin C supports healthy skin, but skin health also requires a good intake of Lysine. Luckily, while your body might not produce Lysine, it’s easy to come by naturally.

Most protein-rich foods are good sources of Lysine, although some are higher in this essential amino acid than others.  Under normal circumstances, simply eating enough quality protein foods will provide your body with the Lysine it needs to support collagen production. Sometimes, however, you might find yourself needing a little bit more to help keep the skin around your lips clear, healthy, and tingle-free. If you’re tired, or stressed, or your immune system is under the weather, your skin could probably use a little extra support.

Nutra-Life has a great range of formulations to naturally support your body during these times, delivering nutrients to the body where it needs it most. 

Wellness Specialist
Wellness Specialist

Why Lysine may be your lips’ best friend

Your body is constantly manufacturing its collagen. To create that collagen, your body uses two essential ingredients (“essential” meaning that your body can’t create them, so you need to get them through your diet.)