Why don’t we sleep well anymore?

The latest international surveys calculate the number of people struggling to get a good night's sleep at almost 50% of the world's population! With lack of sleep negatively impacting every cell of our body and contributing to every disease from cancer to diabetes, obesity, anxiety and depression, such high rates of poor sleep should have health departments frantically instigating new positive sleep policies. 

The trouble is that sleep is a series of complex processes that rely on multiple pathways being in balance all at once. With 80 medically recognised sleep disorders, it's fair to say every person has trouble sleeping for a different matrix of reasons. 

The SleepDrops team has been researching sleep for over 20 years and has discovered the following are the most common sleep disruptors:

1.      Stress. Chronic stress can cause sleep disruption for up to 18 months and episodic stress can cause problems for six months or longer if left untreated.

2.      Not prioritising sleep. FOMO is making people stay awake long after they should be in bed taking advantage of the rejuvenating powers of sleep which are best before midnight

3.      Circadian rhythm disruption. Night shifts, travel, and pulling all-nighters at work or university can reprogramme our body clocks adversely which we then have to reset.

4.      Vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Our ancestors rotated their crops, remineralised the soil, and got all the nutrients they needed. Modern agriculture doesn’t provide this. A healthy functioning nervous system needs 400mg of magnesium. These days, we only get 200mg even if on a raw food, green leafy diet. 

5.      Hormones. These play a huge role in sleep. Estrogen is a master hormone and assists the body to drop in temperature during slow-wave sleep, which is when we repair. Conversely, too much estrogen can cause insomnia. 

6.      Medications. Many medicines people take every day for pain, heart or blood pressure conditions and even insomnia list insomnia as a side effect. Be sure to check your medication, and if possible, switch to one that doesn’t cause insomnia. One thing is for sure lack of sleep will make your condition worse.

7.      Medical conditions. Many health issues have poor sleep associated with them. Pain is the most common. Pain and sleep have a significant bi-directional relationship with each making the other worse. Bad sleep causes the body to produce “bad” pain and good sleep creates “good” pain. Treating pain with natural pain relief and reinforcing sleep at the same time will support a better outcome. 

8.      Kids, pets, and loved ones. We love them, but they can destroy our sleep. When it comes to kids, we need to be able to wake up and tend to their needs but get back to sleep fast so we are ready to face the day. Pets can be kept in another room and partners snoring is easy to fix too. Either support their sleep so they don’t snore, or make sure you get healthy sleep so you can’t hear them!

About SleepDrops

SleepDrops is New Zealand’s leading sleep expert with a comprehensive portfolio of very specialised sleep support supplements to address all ages, life stages and sleeping challenges.  Every product they develop is devoted to fulfilling a deep need for customers. The SleepDrops team meticulously researches ingredients and their efficacy to offer something quite spectacular. Whether it be superior absorption for an ultra-fast response, specialised formulations, or flexibility of dosing - their products can be combined to create a unique sleep support programme that matches your individual needs for impactful, life-changing sleep.

Kirsten  Taylor
Kirsten Taylor
CEO and Founder of SleepDrops and Naturopathic Sleep Researcher

Why don’t we sleep well anymore?

SleepDrops is New Zealand’s leading sleep expert with a comprehensive portfolio of very specialised sleep support supplements to address all ages, life stages and sleeping challenges.  Every product they develop is devoted to fulfilling a deep need for customers.