Top tips for keeping your gut in tip top shape!

BePure Clinic’s top tips for gut health and digestion

Regardless of what gut health issue you are battling with, here are 5 simple tips to foster digestion and improve internal wellbeing.


Tip #1: Get to know your colon transit time

Knowing how long it takes food to travel from your mouth to the toilet bowl (aka your colon transit time) can help you understand if you need help slowing things down or speeding things up. Ideally, this would take more than 12 hours but less than 24 hours. If you need support, whether you find yourself in the slow bowel movements camp or the fast, BePure Gut Regular was designed to support regularity and ease gut discomfort.


Tip #2: Chew your food thoroughly

Digestion begins with chewing. When we chew our food well, we prompt the production of gastric secretion to help us to further break down our food. Simply chewing your food until liquid can support bloating, uncomfortable tummies, and regular bowel motions for all. If chewing more is not a win for you, try adding in a comprehensive digestive aid like BePure Digest Assist.


Tip#3: Spend more time in rest and digest

Living in the modern world can make it challenging to take breaks - especially for lunch during the working week. Our bodies need to be relaxed to digest our food well. To help foster digestion, swap your desk-based lunch break for a quiet dining spot that is free of devices, work, and distraction. Finding ways to mitigate and reduce stress is also beneficial for gut health. 


Tip #4 Consume probiotics daily 

Probiotics increase the amount of good bacteria in your gut. Foods like yoghurt, kefir, and kombucha are helpful ways to add probiotics into your day. If fermented foods aren’t your cup of tea, take a high-quality probiotics supplement like BePure Two, which contains a broad range of probiotic species to mimic the food sources above. We also designed BePure Kids Daily Probiotic for those under the age of 12 to top up on the good bacteria too.


Tip #5 - Eat a variety of different plant foods 

Consuming a diverse array of fresh fruits and vegetables helps to foster our internal wellbeing by providing food our good bugs love to eat. Aim to eat a wide variety of plants - opting for 2 servings of colourful fruit or veggies at every main meal.

Wellness Specialist
Wellness Specialist

Top tips for keeping your gut in tip top shape!

Top tips for gut health and digestion