Tricky moving with ease while it's cold?

Have you ever wondered why you feel stiffer in winter like your joints need warming up? If so, you're not alone. 

This feeling is true for myriad reasons: you move less so lose a bit of fluidity, the synovial fluid in your joints thickens in colder weather so there’s less lubrication for your bones to move easily, and cold weather makes your muscles stiffer so your ease of movement takes a bit more time to get going. 
While a change of season is something you need to keep in mind when taking care of your joints, bones, and muscles, there are lots of natural ways to support your body so it doesn’t slow you down, and you can minimise - or entirely avoid - any annoying niggles. 

Starting with movement, make sure you don’t forget to warm up beforehand when the days are cooler. In summer, warm-ups are still important, but in winter, they’re crucial. Think of your muscles like a piece of chewing gum straight from the packet: if you try to stretch it without chewing it (warming it up), it will snap. So, if you’re going for a run or heading to the gym, take ten minutes to walk or do some gentle stretching to prepare your muscles, joints, and bones for more vigorous movement. 

Moving on to nutrients, look at two favourites: magnesium and fish oil.

Magnesium is a nutrient that is loved and used by athletes around the world because of its muscle- and nerve-relaxing properties. Unfortunately, most people have some degree of magnesium deficiency which is made more challenging because not many foods have high levels. Foods with the most magnesium are nuts, seeds, and dark leafy greens. Taking a bath with epsom salts (which are high in magnesium) if your body is feeling a bit creaky is a relaxing way to absorb magnesium.

Fish oil is your go-to, joint-loving ingredient. DHA and EPA are the active omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil and together they support healthy joints. Because it helps support the blood flow around your body, it can help to support comfort. As a bonus, it’s great for the health of your heart, liver, and eyes!

With winter in full swing, taking care of your physical body means you can keep active without slowing down. Physical movement is essential to your physical and mental health, so get excited about supporting your body to keep on moving!  

BePure Three and BePure Magnesium Restore are two body-loving, winter-happy supplements that will support your body through cold days. Made from high-quality, super bioavailable ingredients, they absorb quickly to give you a great nutritional boost all year long, so you don’t need to stop moving!

Ben Warren
Ben Warren

Tricky moving with ease while it's cold?

This feeling is true for myriad reasons: you move less so lose a bit of fluidity, the synovial fluid in your joints thickens in colder weather so there’s less lubrication for your bones to move easily, and cold weather makes your muscles stiffer so your ease of movement takes a bit more time to get going.