Colic Calling - Looking after Baby's Tum

Starting out as a new parent with an unsettled baby can turn a joyous event into a very stressful one. This is a common sight to see and a problem that has sometimes been left for months with parents at their wits end through worry and lack of sleep. To assist in settling babies, a good first step is to address any disturbances in their digestive tract as soon as possible. 

  • Digestive upsets may show prevalent in the following behaviours:
  • Baby is unsettled after feeding and may cry for up to two hours
  • Baby is wriggly and may become sweaty
  • Pale face
  • Baby has wind or gas both ends
  • Gurgling noises from the abdomen.

Common causes include:

  • Overfeeding or fast feeding
  • Not burping baby after feeding
  • Too many food combinations or coarse food
  • Food is too cold or acidic for digestion
  • Stress
  • Over-tiredness
  • Low gut flora and poor digestion
  • Food allergies and intolerances. 

How to address signs of digestive upset for baby

If breastfeeding is the sole source of food for the baby, then a mother is treated as she is providing the source of nutrition. Eliminating foods that cause wind should be your first step, including foods such as cabbage, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, onions and garlic. Spicy foods should also be eliminated and, if necessary, dairy and wheat. I recommend starting with one group of foods so you can track progress better and determine what group may be causing the upsets so you can continue to avoid it in the future.

If the baby is being bottle fed, then a change in formula may be all that is necessary, but make sure you stick to any guidelines for serving size.

Natural relief for an unsettled tum

Chamomile tea or gripe water are two fantastic, natural cures for settling an upset digestive tract. This can be administered from a bottle or a feeder cup depending on the age of the child. If you are breastfeeding, you will find baby feels the benefits of these remedies passed through breast milk.

Additionally, probiotics are very important when treating any disturbances in the digestive system. If your baby has been subjected to a course or two of antibiotics, whether directly or indirectly through breastfeeding, it is essential to re-establish the gut flora balance with a probiotic. If this is not done ongoing problems may continue to appear. Be sure to look for a probiotic suitable for baby, or suitable for breastfeeding to ensure it will work best for you.

Speak to the experts at Health 2000 about probiotics and other natural remedies suitable for settling a baby’s digestive tract today. 

Kaye Campbell
Kaye Campbell

Kaye Campbell is a qualified naturopath located in North Canterbury. She is a mother of two and writes from her naturopathic training and personal experience to consider treatment for common issues in a natural, gentle way...

Colic Calling - Looking after Baby's Tum