Four tips to help you destress as a busy mum

Are you a busy mum who’s feeling tired? Stressed? Overwhelmed? Here are our four top tips to help you de-stress as a busy mum. 

As busy mums, our time seems to slip away a lot quicker than it did before. 

Your time is so valuable. It’s time to set aside some time for you. To stop and breathe, to de-stress and fuel the soul. 

Here are Rest&Quiet’s top four tips to help you de-stress as a busy mum so that you can show up daily as the best version of yourself. 


1.    Have some time to yourself

Life as a busy mum can be chaotic. We’re often so busy thinking about others that we forget to think about ourselves. 

Being so focused on our loved ones means that we can forget about our own passions and what makes us tick. In the process, this means that we can begin to lose a part of ourselves. This is why time alone is so important. Having some time by yourself gives you a second to breathe, ignore the outside distractions and focus inward for a moment. This allows you to explore your sense of self, your sense of purpose and your sense of creativity. In fact, a 2020 study showed that those who spent more time alone than those that didn’t were highly creative people. Creative, mindful tasks such as painting, writing or pottery are outlets that can give us a sense of achievement and satisfaction. If you’re finding yourself feeling overwhelmed or if you’re getting irritated over minor things, then it may be a good idea to have some time to yourself. Even if it’s a simple 20-minute stretch or a walk to get some fresh air. With tThis, plus the helpsupport of Rest&Quiet Calm Formula can help contribute to calming the mind and soothing nerves. 

2.    Journaling

This is a simple task that will certainly have a positive influence on your life. By writing down your thoughts and feelings – you’re able to stop and think for a second and articulate exactly how you are feeling inside. 

Journaling is a task that promotes mental clarity. A stress-reducer that will do wonders for any feelings of anxiety. As a meditative exercise, journaling is proven to have a positive impact on your psychological well-being. Not only that, but research suggests that it can even have an optimistic influence on your physical well-being too! We can all be guilty of talking negatively to ourselves in our minds sometimes - but the simple task of writing down what you’re grateful for can turn this around quickly and positively influence your day in many ways.Taking some time to stop and reflect is truly good for the soul. By putting pen to paper and jotting down your feelings as they arise, you’re able to do a big brain dump, address any problems, fears and concerns that you may have – and create a clear path to help you move forward. Rest&Quiet Calm Pastilles contain 4 drops of the Calm Bach Flower formula in each pastille and can help support soothing nerves and calming the mind. 

3.    Get moving to manage your stress

Exercising does wonders for your stress levels, literally. By reducing levels of the body’s stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol, you’ll be certain to feel uplifted from those flowing endorphins and feel instantly less stressed. 

Consistent findings show people report feeling calmer after only 20 to 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, and this calming effect can last for several hours after exercising.  Through the production of feel-good neurotransmitters, this flow of endorphins will positively influence your day. It's important that you aim to find something you enjoy, as you’ll be more likely to involve this exercise in your daily routine. So chuck on your favourite playlist to get yourself in the mood, something that uplifts you and to attend that yoga session, go for that run & get your sweat on! 

4.    Laugh! 

Laughing is natures medicine! Not only will it boost your mood, but laughing has been proven to diminish pain and even strengthen your immune system. 

By decreasing stress hormones in the body, and increasing infection-fighting antibodies – laughing can even improve your resistance to disease in the body. How incredible is that?! Having a laugh will lessen your stress levels,  lift your mood, and even improve your self-esteem. So chuck on your favourite comedy, turn on a funny podcast or spend time with that funny friend whom you know will make you chuckle – because life’s far too short to be spending it stressed out! 


So there we have it, there are four tips to help you de-stress as a busy mum. We hope you found that insightful and have taken away some tips that will help you juggle your life, to become a relaxed and happier version of yourself. You go, Mama! 

ALWAYS READ THE LABEL AND FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS FOR USE. IF SYMPTOMS PERSIST SEE YOUR HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL. References Cherry, K. (2021). How Important Is Time Alone For Mental Health? Very Well Mind. By Physio Team (2020). Exercise and Mood. Physio Fusion.

Wellness Specialist
Wellness Specialist

Four tips to help you destress as a busy mum

For older toddlers and children, try offering these Harker’s yummy gummies made with Harker Herbals Wind, Calm & Settle throughout the day or as an after dinner treat!