The connection between weight and mental health

How you feel about yourself impacts your biology and emotional resilience. Sometimes, you may feel low when you’re struggling with your weight. There are also shared physiological mechanisms for why your mood might be low or erratic when you are carrying more weight than you would like, and research shows that the presence of one increases the risk of the other.

How are they connected?

The shared biological pathways that can be affected by weight and mood include energy production and metabolism, immune system function, the interplay between your brain and hormones, and your microbiome and gut/brain axis. That’s a lot to understand!  However, regardless of the complexities involved, you can take control of your weight management by addressing your diet and lifestyle to support your mental health and your body’s response to stress. Supplements are also useful to support a healthy weight and mood.

When you need extra help

When your detox pathways feel sluggish, weight and mood can become more challenging to manage. Good Health Body Cleanse is a two-part liver and bowel detox kit to support your toxin  elimination pathways including your liver, kidneys, bowel, and skin. For use as a seven-day detox or a one-month cleanse, Body Cleanse contains herbs like milk thistle and dandelion to  support liver and kidney function, and psyllium and aloe vera to support elimination.Good Health Garcinia Cambogia 9000 PLUS is a multi-action weight management formula designed to support a healthy appetite and cravings, energy levels, healthy blood sugar, a healthy mood, and metabolism. The addition of green tea offers additional weight management support.

Wellness Specialist
Wellness Specialist

The connection between weight and mental health