Weight management: fact or fiction

Are you overwhelmed with all of the information available on weight loss and fat burning? You’re not alone! It is difficult to filter through the information online to identify fact from fiction.

Many diets promote cutting out entire food groups, particularly carbohydrates, dairy and fat. While these methods can result in a quick fix and immediate weight loss, diets like this are not sustainable and weight is often regained quickly and muscle mass lost.

The popular saying ‘muscle weighs more than fat’ is not entirely true. A kilogram of muscle and a kilogram of fat technically weigh the same, but they are different in size. Muscle is quite a bit harder and denser than body fat. To achieve a lean physique, you must focus on losing body fat and not muscle. So, when people say they would like to lose weight, they normally mean they would like to lose body fat.

There are many ways to achieve your body composition and weight loss goals. First of all, you need to get the foundations of your diet right. Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Avoid fad diets or diets that eliminate whole-food groups
  • Bulk up your meals with a variety of vegetables or salad
  • Include protein at meal and snack times to suppress appetite and reduce muscle loss
  • Limit high-energy foods like sugary drinks, chocolate, takeaways, potato chips and alcohol
  • Use healthy foods to fuel and recover appropriately around training
  • Be aware of non-hungry eating, like boredom eating or grazing from the fridge
  • Being in a calorie deficit will be the key point to achieving fat loss
  • Macronutrients break down for protein, fats and carbohydrates

Weight loss is about 80% nutrition and 20% exercise.

Once you have the foundations sorted, you can then start to look at how supplements can assist you to achieve the results you want.

Musashi weight loss supplements are developed to assist you with your fat-burning and lean physique goals.

Shred and Burn is for anyone seeking a convenient, nutritious snack that helps to support fat loss and weight management. It is an optimised protein powder providing a powerful blend of active ingredients designed to support lean muscle goals.

Scientifically formulated using whey protein concentrate and whey protein isolate in an advanced muscle-shredding complex, this lean muscle formula is enhanced with key ingredients, L-carnitine and green tea extract, to support your goals in a delicious formula that tastes great and mixes with ease.

Wellness Specialist
Wellness Specialist

Weight management: fact or fiction

Are you overwhelmed with all of the information available on weight loss and fat burning? You’re not alone! It is difficult to filter through the information online to identify fact from fiction.